INSERT INTO ICJ (email,password, name_surname, nationality, gender, date_of_birth, phone_number, school_name, grade, experience, position, essay, other,sample_write, token, verified, time_type) VALUES ('', '$2y$10$bbQlgnnl4BkUqxoAMtHJXe6Os3hLTYTksWTkPKHHASCvlxCnmawHi','İrem Çetinkaya ', 'TR', 'Female', '11/06/2008', '+90 552 320 38 37', 'Kurtköy Anatolian Highschool', '11', 'IAUMUN24 - UNCW - NEW ZEALAND BSBLMBM24 - OPEC - CONGO HBVALMUN24 - OIC - AZERBAIJAN KONMUN24 - DISEC - SPAIN','Advocate', 'Dear KMUN Secretariat, I am İrem Çetinkaya, an 11th year student at Kurtköy Anatolian High School. Since I have started taking actions intentionally, I am aware that every decision that I make is leading new paths to my future. The responsibility of making decisions and living through the consequences of my decisions has made me choose the “right” ways. For instance, choosing English as my main study and having a great passion to become a well-qualified person is one of my “right ways”. Ive always tried to choose the “right” for myself because I can only go further by choosing the ones that will fit me best and will encourage me to walk without stopping. I tried numerous different activities to improve myself and chose the ones that suited me best. I am trying to become more qualified and decrease all my weak/negative qualities as much as possible. I intend to participate in activities that will provide the most benefit to my aim of self-improvement such as MUNs and Erasmus+. Being a part of this kind of activities arent just an academic pursuit for me; its a journey of improvement of my attributes. My attendance at Erasmus+ was an exceedingly significant evolution for me as a human being, it assuredly affected me both personally and academically. My involvement in workshops, debates and international activities has significantly equipped me in numerous ways. To enhance my qualities, I am certain that KMUN will help my alteration. I am willing to contribute to this MUN and I am quite sure that conferences will make me feel like I am profoundly changed. I look forward to not only immersing myself in knowledge but also sharing that enthusiasm with fellow delegates. Together, I believe that we can take a look at history and the future, exploring innovative solutions that resonate with the pulse of the present with our discussions and debates. Thank you for considering my application. I am genuinely excited about the possibility of contributing to KMUN. Sincerely', '-','Ever since their first appearance in the world, humankind has been seeking power; they have been running after the idea of being “the one. Mankind intrinsically has a desperate need for power, and profoundly, they are ready to take any action for the sake of it. At times when the only indicator of power was how much youd conquer, a certain cycle was built up by the ‘rulers’, which embodies the idea that “the more that you are weak, the more that you are wounded”. Those who rule are condemned to oppress, and those who are ruled are condemned to be oppressed. If we assume that the world is an immense ocean, with the power that they hold, the “superpower countries” can be considered Noahs ship; nevertheless, we all must remember that great power engenders greater responsibility with its consequences. Mankind is reckless and imprudent; they merely focus on the idea that power is in their hands and that they are the ones in charge. They cannot comprehend anything with the feeling that surrounds them. They rule and ravage; they kill and abuse; they consume everything ‘til nothing is left. They subjugate vigorously and violate everything. They act on an animal instinct; they eat up all, bones and all. For sure, the term “eat” is not often used in a cannibalistic way, but instead it is used in a “destroy all, so nothing can stand in your way” demeanor. People are the complements of countries, and while the components of countries are being repressed, watching them wreck in silence is unacceptable. The belief that I have is to witness the ascertainment of righteousness within those conference walls.', '15043f2ed3c2bf205609ad5d23affc97', 0, 'late')INSERT INTO ICJ (email,password, name_surname, nationality, gender, date_of_birth, phone_number, school_name, grade, experience, position, essay, other,sample_write, token, verified, time_type) VALUES ('', '$2y$10$tQPeLV5RIoHHpjPk3QJPj.AnjD8v84ZAuVe6edUjEB9evKYHGQ8ky','Deniz İpek Zeynioğlu', 'TR', 'Female', '12/06/2009', '05453345472', 'Uskudar American Academy', '9', '2024- MUNDP- Expert of Saudi Arabia- APQ 2024- RCIMUN- Expert of Brazil- APQ 2024- SACMUN- Expert of United States- APQ 2024- TEDIMUN- Delegate of Italy- UNODC- Best Delegate 2024- THIMUN- Delegate of India- GA4 Special Political and Decolonization 2024- MEF HighMUN- Co-Delegate of Russia- UNSC- Honorable Mention 2023- ENIMUN- Co-Advocate of Romania - ICJ 2023- KMUN- Delegate of United Kingdom- UNSC- Outstanding Delegate 2023- RCIMUN- Delegate of United Kingdom- GA4 Political 2023- Hisar JMUN- Delegate of USSR - HSC 2023- TEDIMUN- Ambassador of United States- GA2 ECOSOC- Best Delegate 2022- TIMUN- Admin- General','Registrar', 'Honorable Secretariat of KMUN’24, Hello, I am Ipek, I’m 14 years old, (I will be turning 15 on the third day of the conference), and I am currently in 9th grade at Uskudar American Academy. I have been to 12 conferences until this point, including the most prestigious ones such as The Hague International Model United Nations, Turkish International Model United Nations, and Kabataş Model United Nations. I have taken on a variety of roles such as as an admin, delegate, expert, and advocate. I have always dreamed of attending MUN conferences as a young kid, and Im glad that I can finally pursue this dream. I love meeting new people and MUN gives me a chance to do so. I also like debating with people on matters that impact our world. I feel as if one day maybe I will be able to affect our real world, and MUN gives me the confidence to believe in myself. MUN not only helps me develop skills such as debating, discussing, and academic writing but it also opens up a door to network with various people. My first experience in the International Court of Justice was as the co-advocate of Romania in Enka International Model United Nations, 2023, and it was an incredibly valuable experience in learning about the entire ICJ process of preparing stipulations, memoranda, evidence packs, opening and closing statements, as well as witness testimonies. Since I have seen this extensive side of representing a side in the ICJ, I wish to now experience how the presidency of ICJ coordinates the committee and judgment process. I would like to attend Kabataş MUN as the registrar because I believe that I have the necessary skills and background to fulfill the responsibilities and that I will be a great addition to the best committee in KMUN, which is the ICJ. Thank you for your time and consideration, ', 'Again like last year, the conference is on my birthday :) Just wanted to point that out','', 'ac7106306a3a0a22d35305106433c66e', 0, 'late')INSERT INTO ICJ (email,password, name_surname, nationality, gender, date_of_birth, phone_number, school_name, grade, experience, position, essay, other,sample_write, token, verified, time_type) VALUES ('', '$2y$10$PbjahBkrBWOhFSEGwfDMdugOr4D/9vpOvd4kpRdULOEAWMXtFcfvC','Onur Örnek', 'Türkiye', 'Male', '18/04/2007', '+905316023431', 'Uskudar American Academy', '10', 'Past MUN experiences: 2024 - MUNDP - ICJ Judge 2024 - RCIMUN - ICJ Judge 2023 - IELMUN - ICJ Judge 2023 - TEDIMUN - GA5 2022 - TIMUN - Admin Upcoming conferences: 2024 - KMUN - ICJ Advocate','Advocate', 'Dear Secretariat of KMUN; I am Onur Örnek, a 10th grade student currently studying IBDP in Uskudar American Academy. I am more than excited at the opportunity of taking part in KMUN this year with my coadvocate Erdem Sarıalioğlu. As a student with a passion for addressing global issues and diplomacy, I believe that being a part of this conference will expand my political knowledge and will take my debating skills further than they already are. I also possess previous experiences and qualities that demonstrate that I could succeed at this conference. I have always excelled in public speaking throughout my academic life. Although it was my first conference, I was selected as the best delegate of my committee by the chairs in TEDIMUN’23. I have also attended TIMUN’22 as an admin. Despite the fact that my role was being an admin I took a deep interest in debates being discussed and even followed them like a delegate with my own copy of the resolution. . In KMUN, I am looking forward to participating as an advocate of the ICJ committee. After my first ICJ experience in IELMUN23, I fell in love with the committee and have attended ICJ twice more as a judge, at RCIMUN and MUNDP. In all of these conferences, I was one of the most active judges. With my personal sensitivity to justice, my deep interest in law, and my passion for research, I feel confident that I can best fulfill my role on this committee. As someone who is developing with every other MUN conference, I believe KMUN24 will be no exception, especially considering the wide diversity of students attending this conference. I will also make the best out of alI the experience and knowledge that I gained after all the conferences I attended and the club debates I participated in. I have no doubt in my knowledge towards the procedure of the MUN and ICJ. Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to the opportunity to contribute as an advocate at KMUN24.', 'Coadvocate is Erdem Sarıalioğlu from Uskudar American Academy','Dissenting Verdict written in RCIMUN’24 (written by two people including me): Passed Resolution of GA5 in TEDIMUN24 as Federal Republic of Germany:', '871ef018df0edac1eadb6e11351e5fd4', 0, 'late')INSERT INTO ICJ (email,password, name_surname, nationality, gender, date_of_birth, phone_number, school_name, grade, experience, position, essay, other,sample_write, token, verified, time_type) VALUES ('', '$2y$10$PFNyuzQeSGvbTFb5ifBrBeCWjp3xujtuCrPkvlr0eqfgbgaRIk8N.','Aslı Erdem', 'TR', 'Female', '01/09/2007', '+905447618494', 'Üsküdar American Academy', '10', 'Past MUN experiences: 2024 - MUNDP - Judge - ICJ 2024 - RCIMUN - Advocate - ICC 2024 - SACMUN - Vice President - HSC 2024 - TEDIMUN - Deputy Chair - SA 2 2024 - THIMUN - Delegate - ECOSOC 2023 - KMUN - Advocate - ICJ 2023 - RCIMUN - Ambassador - Disarmament 2023 - Hisar JMUN - Expert - APQ 2023 - ACIMUN - Delegate - Environmental 2022 - TIMUN - Delegate - SPC 1 Cancelled conferences: 2023 - MUNDP - Expert - APQ 2023 - TIMUN - Expert - APQ (I had already written my position paper by the time the conference got cancelled.) 2024 - JMUNDP - Deputy Chair - UNDPPA (I had already written my chair report by the time the conference got cancelled.) Note: I currently serve as the club president of the MUN club at Uskudar American Academy.','Vice-President', 'Dear KMUN’24 Executive Team, I am writing this letter of motivation to express my interest in taking part in the International Court of Justice as the Vice President in KMUN’24. I wish to further enhance and practice my debating, articulation, communication, and collaboration skills, as well as aiming to endorse other participants to do so. KMUN’24’s International Court of Justice is regarded as one of the most prestigious by many people; therefore, I would like to take part in this year’s committee, specifically to improve my debating skills as previously stated since I would be united with the most qualified advocates and judges of Turkey. I wish to pass on my knowledge and experience to the upcoming generations of MUN, and I believe that the position of Vice President will allow me to facilitate and guide fruitful discussions and fair deliberations. I am very interested in international law, and the ICJ holds an important place in my life, specifically because I want to pursue a career in law. I believe that participating in KMUN’24 as part of the ICJ will provide me with an invaluable opportunity to experience the court environment, enhance my skills, and gain insights from esteemed judges and advocates. As a person who experienced the quality of the court environment of KMUN first-hand last year, I am beyond excited to experience it once more this year, thanks to the tireless efforts of the academic team. I am eager to bring my passion for international law and my commitment to excellence to the role of Vice President, ensuring that KMUN’24 is a memorable, fruitful and enriching experience for all judges, advocates and members of the presidency ICJ. Thank you for the time you have taken to read through this letter and for considering my application. Sincerely, Aslı Erdem', '-','Below, are the links of some of the works Ive prepared for conferences. 1) TEDIMUN24 Chair Report: 2) SACMUN24 Chair Report: 3) Koc JMUN24 Chair Report (The conference was cancelled; however, I had written my chair report, submitted it to the executive team and got their approval. Therefore, I wanted to include it in my KMUN24 application.): 4) TIMUN23 Position Paper: 5) Memorandum 1 of RCIMUN24: 6) Memorandum 2 of RCIMUN24: 7) Evidence Pack 1 of RCIMUN24: 8) Evidence Pack 2 of RCIMUN24: 9) Rebuttal Evidence of KMUN23: 10) Evidence Pack of KMUN23: 11) Memorandum of KMUN23:', 'be142e014bb13af6dce3e0fb2de948c9', 0, 'late')INSERT INTO ICJ (email,password, name_surname, nationality, gender, date_of_birth, phone_number, school_name, grade, experience, position, essay, other,sample_write, token, verified, time_type) VALUES ('', '$2y$10$Py7m586LAFJyNWdYN91M3e4pKVn9xXKB9YSqf1WHUBmfuBKWcD0Uy','Erdem Sarıalioğlu', 'TR', 'Male', '13/07/2008', '‭0 (536) 830 20 08‬', 'Üsküdar American Academy', '9', '2022 - TIMUN - Admin of SPC2 2023 TEDIMUN - Delegate of USA in GA4 2023 Hisar JMUN - Delegate of Afghanistan in HSC 2023 RCIMUN - Delegate of United Kingdom in Human Rights Committee 2023 IELMUN - Delegate of China in HSC 2024 THIMUN - Delegate of India in SDC1 2024 SACMUN - ICJ Judge 2024 Hisar JMUN- Delegate of Brazil in HSC 2024 RCIMUN - Expert of New Zealand in Advisory Panel 2024 MUNDP - Expert of Russia in Advisory Panel','Advocate', 'Dear KMUN Executive Team, I am writing this letter of motivation to express my interest in taking part in the International Court of Justice in KMUN as an advocate. I wish to further enhance and practice my debating, articulation, communication and collaboration skills, as well as aiming to endorse other judges and participants to do so. KMUN’s International Court of Justice is regarded to be one of the most prestigious by so many people, therefore I would like to take part in this year’s court, specifically to improve my debating skills as previously stated since I would be united with the most qualified judges and advocates of Turkey. Even though I don’t have prior advocate experience, I believe that I am well-equipped to participate as an advocate in this year’s session by making use of my previous MUN experience which also involves conferment and researching skills as well as being a judge. I am eager to learn and make my voice heard, as well as defending the rights of the people who are suppressed and subjugated, which is another reason why I think I am well-tailored to tackle problems that may occur in my path if I am to be admitted to the International Court of Justice as an advocate this year. I believe that I will be able to contribute to the discussions which will take place, and that I embody the skill set of an ICJ advocate. I am more than excited at the opportunity of taking part in KMUN this year with my coadvocate Onur Örnek. Last but not least, I would like to express my gratitude towards you for considering my application. Sincerely, Erdem Sarıalioğlu', 'I would like my co-advocate to be Onur Örnek from Üsküdar American Academy. If possible, we would prefer to be the advocates of the French Republic. Thank you once again for your consideration.','1)Hisar JMUN24 HSC Clauses: 2)Koç JMUN24 Chair Report: (The conference was canceled; however, I had written my chair report, submitted it to the executive team, and got their approval. Therefore, I wanted to include it in my KMUN24 application.): 3)RCIMUN23 Position Paper: 4)SACMUN24 ICJ Verdict: 5) TIMUN ‘24 Delegation of Chinese Taipei Ambassador Presentation: (The conference was canceled; however as the ambassador I have prepared and presented this presentation to inform my delegates on the nation they will represent.)', '44e8a47610a5d476fa1d526a90636aa9', 0, 'late')