The United Nations Committee on Special Political and Decolonization Committee (SPECPOL) is a committee that operates within the means of the United Nations General Assembly. The committee is one of the six main committees of the UN General Assembly and is responsible for addressing modern issues such as decolonization, peacekeeping, and disarmament.

Throughout SPECPOL’s history, the committee has always promoted peace in our globe and also supported nations and territories within their borders through their journey towards self-governance. SPECPOL supervises the status of the colonial territories and assists them in their battle for their independence while staying loyal to the principles which are mentioned in the United Nations Charter. Delegates at the SPECPOL committee will deal with 3 crucial issues. The first topic will be addressing the self-determination of de-facto areas. Delegates will be challenged with a complex problem in which they have to approach the dispute from different perspectives. Our second agenda will be regarding the deployment of military support in directing the geopolitical interests of countries. This issue which has been ongoing for decades will be evaluated in the best way possible. The last topic will be about the economic and socio-political rights of indigenous people and the impacts of colonial legacies on these rights. As the delegates, you will be deciding the fate of many indigenous communities in this year’s edition of Kabataş Model UN.

Study Guide 1
Study Guide 2
Study Guide 3